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Welcome to February - Belfast Sinks Shaker Sink Special 60 % Off

Welcome to February  - Belfast Sinks Shaker Sink Special 60 % Off

Welcome to February ! Belfast Sinks is excited to announce a special sale on all fireclay kitchen sinks, with a focus on the elegant Shaker Kitchen sinks by Savile Row and Renaissance. If you're looking to enhance your kitchen with a touch of sophistication, now is the perfect time to take advantage of this exclusive offer. What makes the Shaker Double Sink special? The Shaker Double Sink, crafted from Genuine UK fireclay, is not your average kitchen sink. It is triple glazed to provide maximum protection against stains and comes with an impressive 30-year warranty. This means you can enjoy...

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Happy Christmas - Belfast Sinks

Happy Christmas - Belfast Sinks

Happy Christmas from all at Belfast sinks. Christmas is a different time for all people with many emotions heightened at this time of year. We welcome loved ones home, and we also think of those we can no longer welcome home, and remember with joy and tears those memories that made Christmas amazing in years gone past. With these memories a resolution must pass that those who are seeing Christmas for the first years will remember these magic weeks for the rest of their lives and it is our duty to imprint upon them the joy that was imprinted upon...

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New Products - Curved Apron Belfast Sink

New Products - Curved Apron Belfast Sink

New Products ! - Curved Apron Fireclay  We are proud to announce the launch of our very first curved apron fireclay kitchen sink.. Proudly in stock and exclusive to Belfast Sinks the Savile Row "Grosvenor" is truly stunning and brings the apron design associated with fireclay belfast sinks into a new design era. We look forward to seeing how this looks installed in your kitchens. For more details or to be the first to order please contact customer care on 1800 111 566    

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Happy Christmas Belfast Sinks

Happy Christmas Belfast Sinks

Happy Christmas to everyone from the team at Belfast Sinks. What a year ! There is little than can be said other than thankyou ! We have like so many this year experienced the feeling of life as we know it ending, potentially falling off a cliff, uncertainty, stress, frustration, hope, and joy. We have shared these emotions with all our Australian customers some in isolation for months, whom we listened to with gratitude as you shared your own stories, those with more freedoms, who wanted to cherish their freedoms whilst they lasted, and toward the end of the year,...

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February Special Double Offset - $985.00

February Special Double Offset - $985.00

Welcome to February , the second month in a a new decade, and a great new sink deal. However first a bush fire appeal update. Whilst many fires have burnt out the devastation left continues and as the fires settle, the true depth of what has happens sinks in. We are thankful that we live in an area unaffected and think of this less fortunate. To all those effected by the bush fires and those still bravely fighting them we will and promise to find any way we can to assist now and in the future. We are Australian, proudly,...

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